Monday 25 March 2013


hello my name is bradley and welcome to my blog it is so legendary to look at you will be blinded by the blog !!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013

Interviewing My Buddy Joel

Today I sat down with my buddy Joel and asked his some questions


Favorite  sport - rugby/soccer
Favorite movie - avengers/spider man
Favorite ice cream - goody goody gumdrops
Favorite subjects - writing/maths
Favorite drink - coke/sprite
Favorite dinner - bacon and egg pie
Favorite TV show - regular show
Favorite fruit - apple
Favorite sports team - hurricanes
hobbies - playing sport and drawing  

Friday 8 March 2013


My Goals 

Hi there I'm back and I'll be telling you my goals for 2013 and here they are.
Maths - To solve numbers that are divisible by 71,89 and 56.
Writing -To write longer conclusions at the end of my writing.
Reading -To read bigger chapter books.